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It's Going to be Sympli Sunny for the Rest of the Week

Finally, summer is here! Just in time to get that Sympli tee that you've been putting off until the weather gets hot!

Sympli Tee from Investment Pieces, Winnipeg

Exact Tee may not be in stock

Finding that perfect tee is easy at Investment Pieces. Unsurprisingly, the perfect tee is different for every woman. Sympli shares that vision with Investment Pieces. Sympli exemplifies, a design with every body in mind.

Treat yourself to Winnipeg's best fashion destination! Women's clothing has never been more fun to shop for. Be you... We have the perfect piece that celebrates your individuality


749 St. Mary's Rd.,

Winnipeg, MB

R2M 3N6


Store Hours:



Summer Hours

store closed Saturdays

July6th- August 3rd

Closed Sundays

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